Newsletter Issue 3

A Moment Of Calm

During the Summer term we launched our A Moment of Calm programme. We reached over 1,200 children with mindfulness workshops and booklets for the children to keep. The children used the booklets to gain focus and calm during the run-up to their Year 6 SATs. Feedback was extremely positive, with entire classes using the exercises or children doing them individually. We aim to grow this project by partnering with even more schools in the borough to reach as many Year 6 pupils as possible before the 2025 SAT’s. Download your copy here.

Peer Mentoring

One area we have been particularly focusing on this year, is peer-to-peer and youth-voice work. We had great success at Eldon Primary School, training up our year 5 Mindful Mentors who are now ready to use their mindfulness skills in helping younger children across the school.

Get involved!

We always have opportunities for volunteers to join us during our HAF holiday programmes. Many large companies encourage corporate volunteering and we welcome them.

One of our volunteers this year was Stephen, who works for Mann Group. He joined us in the kitchen for two days, washing pots and chopping veg. ‘I really enjoyed working with the children at Success Club, seeing their smiling faces as I served them lunch. I particularly valued their heartfelt appreciation.’

Victoria Bonitto: Meet Vicky

Victoria has been working in education for 15 years. She has specialised in teaching pupils with SEND for 9 years. At Success Club, Victoria works closely with pupils to help them focus on creating a positive change in their thinking and actions. Her passion is for taking hold of the strengths and positive aspects of pupils that do not believe they can succeed.

HAF Summer Sensation!

This Summer Holiday we opened the doors to our holiday scheme for 3 weeks. We saw 100 children each day, feeding them hot, healthy meals and giving them fantastic activities to expand their minds. On a particularly hot and sunny Wednesday, we had a surprise visit from Enfield Fire Brigade who came to cool the kids down with their hoses.

As well as this, we were able to book a bubble van, a bouncy slide and some steel pan workshops which the children loved! These extra experiences are made possible due to the extra funding we were able to secure. Thank you to all our funders.

Mindful Moment

Take a moment each day to connect with nature as it changes from summer to autumn and practice mindfulness with your family. Here’s a simple exercise: Find a quiet spot outside, maybe under a tree in a park or a garden. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take deep breaths and focus on the sounds around you – the breeze, birds chirping, leaves rustling. Imagine the air is washing away stress with every breath out. Spend a few minutes in this peaceful state. It’s a great way to bond and create a habit of daily calm in your family’s routine.

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